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Why Touch is the bond that keeps us connected


Updated: Dec 16, 2022

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

~Leo Buscaglia

Can you honestly remember the first massage you ever had?

What were the sounds, sights, smells you might have remembered?

I was blessed to have grown up with two very hands on parents who really enhanced our childhood with Massage. In a family where there was never a shortage of mouths to feed, hugs to give, and time to share, massage was a gift my parents would give to us when we were sick, or overworked in our athletics.

I gained strength in my hands working on my siblings, and quickly gained confidence in my techniques. Soon enough, my friends and teammate would sit next to me rubbing their necks like..."oh what I wouldn't give for a back rub."

Anyone who is a Massage Therapist knows this move... its basically and invite to "Please work on MEEEE!" And so, my desire to help others through #bodywork was born into a life long passion for helping others out of discomfort.

Not sure if this could be a carreer, I decided to go to College for Athletic Training and Exercise Science. This was the #Bestmove I could have made in that time in my life. I gained a whole wealth of #Knowledge in anatomy and a deeper understanding of Physiology than I ever would have just heading straight to a Massage Therapy program. I gained so much hands on experience working hand and hand with collegian Football, Soccer, Baseball, and Volleyball teams that I knew there was more to this #massage I was giving for my athletes to recover quicker, feel more #freedominmovement. I knew I had to continue to search for more. I bought my first Massage Table my Freshman Year in College, worked on all the athletes I could, and even several Teachers who had heard about my success scrambled to get time on my table! By my Senior year, I knew that a Carreer as an Athletic Trainer was not all I wanted to be, Massage was already such a huge part of what #motivates me in this world... I had to go back to school!

I found some schools around me and went online to compare. Some advertised for an easy 4 month program that would promise you a career in the #healingarts. I come from a family that values #education above all so I saught out a school I could be proud to say I graduated from, and gave it my all. Luckily the school of my dreams was fairly close by. Pittsburgh School of Massage Therapy provided me with an option to take a full two years with over 200 hours of Massage practice and 860 hours of schooling, all while still being able to work as an Athletic Trainer and a Physical Therapist Aid in a Physical Therapist's Office in my home town.

Match made in Heaven:

Working while going to this school proved to be the Best thing for me. I got to apply immediately what I was learning over the weekend with countless patients the clinic was seeing on a daily basis. Hands on, practical work that really was showing our rural community the power that not only #Touch provides, but also #compassion for some Patients that had been sent to our clinic because other clinics had told them that there is "JUST NO HELPING YOU...YOU WILL HAVE SOME PAIN THE REST OF YOUR LIFE."

I was blessed to have these precious times to work so hand and hand with some great Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and all who had the confidence in me to allow me to #DOMYTHING. This often led to some really great breakthroughs for my clients. Patients the clinic were seeing for Fibromyalgia, I could do non touch therapies like Progressive Relaxation, guided Imagery, and Aromatherapy. For some, it meant I was the first ray of #sunshine along their journey to healthier living. Giving someone just enough Positive reinforcement to take matters of their own health to heart, and seeing them #blossom. Thats the power of Massage Therapy to me.

If you look at my bio, you can see that I continued along and am still Continuing education as I desire to learn more and more about the science behind touch therapy, being present, and just sharing matters of the heart. I strive to bring my love for all things touch to mainstream, and share with my young children, their friends and family, my neighbors, and really anyone who will listen. #Pleasetouch is a message to remember that with honor and compassion for our fellow travelers here on earth, touch is vital to us all. It can be a handshake, it can be a hug, or a back rub. Its a simple acknowledgement that we are #holdingspace for you. I care about you, I care that you are hurting, lets see what touch can do first for you.


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